2018 Proceedings
- 2018 Full Proceedings
- Invasive Sleeper Cell Plant Seedbanks: Terrorists of Eradication Program. John Knapp, The Nature Conservancy
- Creating Defensible Spaces in an Indefensible Ecosystem. Jonathan C. Hall, The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County
- Establishment Stage Competition between Exotic Crimson Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum, C4) and Native Purple Needlegrass (Stipa pulchra, C3). Lynn Sweet, University of California, Riverside
- A Functional Group Approach to Managing Large Invasive Grasses: Case Studies with Arundo and Phragmites. Adam Lambert, Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Stress Tolerance and Invasive Spread of Arundo donax along California Coastal Areas. Scott Steinmaus, Horticulture and Crop Science Department, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
- Smallflower Umbrella Sedge Cross-Resistance to ALS Inhibitors in the California Rice Growing Region. Alex Ceseski, Katie Driver, Amar Singh Godar, Kassim Al-Khatib. University of California, Davis, CA
- Weed vs. Crop Differentiation Using Crop Marking Systems. HannahJoy Kennedy*1, Steven A. Fennimore1, John S. Rachuy1, David C. Slaughter2, & Thuy Tuong Nguyen2. 1 UC Davis, Dept. of Plant Sciences; 2 UC Davis, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. *Corresponding author
- Survey of Bearded Sprangletop Response to Clomazone in California Rice. Katie E. Driver*, Kassim Al Khatib, and Amar Godar. University of California, Davis
- After 25 Years of Mulching in Orchards, What Do We Know? Ben Faber, UCCE, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
- Walnut Response to Multiple Exposures to Simulated Drift of Bispyribac-Sodium. Mariano F. Galla, UCCE, Glenn, Butte and Tehama Counties, Kassim Al-Khatib and Bradley D. Hanson, University of California, Davis
- AMP® Activator a New Adjuvant for Aquatic Plant Management. Ryan M. Wersal and Bill Ratajczyk, Lonza Water Treatment
- Control Options for Floating and Emergent Aquatic Species. John D. Madsen, USDA ARS Exotic and Invasive Weed Research Unit, University of California, Davis
- Best Use Practices for Using Suppress Organic Herbicide. Heather Palmer, Westbridge Agricultural Products, Vistia, CA
- Weed Removal in Organic Vegetable Crops. Steven A. Fennimore, University of California, Davis, at Salinas CA
- Developing a Bioherbicide for Today’s Agriculture. Louis G. Boddy, Marrone Bio Innovations, Sacramento, CA
- Organic Herbicides: A Review. William L. Patzoldt, Blue River Technology, Sunnyvale, CA
- Managing Weeds in a Highly Landscaped Community. Lauren E. Howell, Director of Employee Development, Bemus Landscape, Inc
- Long Beach Unified School District: Reducing Glyphosate Use at School Sites. Ashley Freeman, CDPR, Sacramento, CA
- Nutsedge Control Strategy to Avert Potential Resistance to ALS-Inhibiting Herbicides. Kai Umeda, Area Extension Agent, Turfgrass Science, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Phoenix, AZ
- The Road to Automated Weeding of Vegetable Crops. Richard Smith, Farm Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey County
- Lettuce Weed Management Update. B.Tickes,University of Arizona
- Effects of Prometryn Applied in Cilantro on Four Following Vegetable Crops. Oleg Daugovish, Anna Howell, Steve Fennimore and John Rachuy (UC ANR)
- Proper Selection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Lisa A. Blecker. Pesticide Safety Education Program, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Statewide IPM Program
- Respiratory Protection – A How to Demonstration. Emma R. Wilson, Associate Industrial Hygienist and Harvard R Fong CIH, Senior Industrial Hygienist, Industrial Hygiene Services, Worker Health and Safety Branch, Department of Pesticide Regulation
- Online Training to Help You Comply with Personal Protective Equipment and Respiratory Protection Requirements—A New Resource from the University of California Statewide IPM Program. Cheryl A. Reynolds, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Statewide IPM Program
- Upcoming Changes to the Worker Protection Standard. Emily D. Bryson, California Department of Pesticide Regulation
- Best Practices to Keep Pesticides out of Water. Samuel S. Sandoval, Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources, UC Davis and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
- DPR’s Cannabis Program – Where We Are and Where We Are Going. Rachel Kubiak. California Department of Pesticide Regulation
- The Impact of Salinity on Invasive Aquatic Weed Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), and its Biological Control Agent Neochetina bruchi, Emily Nicole Bick*1, C. Nansen1. 1University of California, Davis, CA
- Weed vs. Crop Differentiation Using Crop Marking Systems. HannahJoy Kennedy*1, Steven A. Fennimore1, John S. Rachuy1, David C. Slaughter2, & Thuy Tuong Nguyen2. 1 UC-Davis, Dep. of Plant Sciences, Salinas, CA, 93905; 2 UC Davis, Dep. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
- Bearded Sprangletop Adaptation to Flooding in California Rice. Katie E. Driver, Amar Godar, Alex Ceseski, Mike Lee, and Kassim Al Khatib. University of California, Davis.
- Population Genetics of the Agricultural Weed Palmer Amaranth. May N Yang1 and Dr. Katherine Waselkov2, California State University, Fresno
- Characterizing the Expression of Candidate Genes for Herbicide Resistance in the Agricultural Weed Hairy Fleabane (Erigeron bonariensis). Priyanka Chaudhari*1, Diana Camarena2, and Katherine Waselkov2.1 Biotechnology Department, California State University, Fresno, CA, USA, 2 Plant Physiology Department, California State University, Fresno, CA, USA, 2 Biology Department, California State University, Fresno, CA
- Biological Control of Cirsium arvense with the Use of Puccinia punctiformis Fungus. Sunny Brucker, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo