2012 Proceedings
2012 – Weed Control: What’s it all Worth?
- CWSS 2012 Full Proceeding
- Marijuana Business Impacting Agriculture Article written by Harry Cline, Western Farm Press, February 8, 2012 (reprinted with permission) California
- Off-Site Movement of Herbicides Brad Hanson, University of California, Davis, Dept. of Plant Science
- Herbicide Translocation and Metabolism Scott Steinmaus, PhD, Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
- Poster Title: Development of a method to evaluate mortality of black mustard (Brassica nigra) seeds exposed to volatile compounds from composted greenwaste. DeeAnn Kroeker1*, Stacy Betts1, Ruth Dahlquist1, and James Stapleton2. 1Department of Biology, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, CA; 2Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, UC Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier, CA
- Poster Title: A Field Trial to Evaluate Deleterious Effects of Composted Municipal Greenwaste and Soil Solarization on Black Mustard Seeds Hernandez, Kate1*, Stacy Betts1, Ruth Dahlquist1, Megan Marshall2, Jean VanderGheynst3, Chris Simmons3, Joshua Claypool3, and James Stapleton4. 1Department of Biology, Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, CA; 2Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; 3Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis; 4Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, UC Kearney Agricultural Center (KAC), Parlier, CA
- Solar Tents for On-Site Sanitation and Eradication of Rogued, Weedy Plant Propagative Materials James J. Stapleton , Statewide IPM Program, UC Kearney Agricultural Center, Parlier, California
- The Global Value of Herbicides Leonard P. Gianessi, CropLife Foundation, Washington, DC
- Assessing the Return to Weed Control Expenses in California Agriculture Karen Klonsky, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis
- New Herbicides for Small Grains Jesse M. Richardson, Dow AgroSciences
- Weed Control Challenges in Desert Areas of Southern California Tim Hays, Wilbur-Ellis Co., Lancaster, California
- Weed Control Options for Corn Production Steve Wright, Gerardo “Lalo” Banuelos, Katie Wilson, Sonia Rios University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare/Kings Counties, Tulare CA
- Recent Developments in Alfalfa Weed Control Steve Orloff*, Mick Canevari, Andre Biscaro and Dan Putnam, UC Cooperative Extension, Siskiyou County
- Innovations in Cotton Weed Management William B. McCloskey, School of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
- Ditch Bank Weed Control Jason Robbins, Target Specialty Products
- South American Spongeplant is Invading California Patrick Akers, Calif. Dept. of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA
- Egeria Densa Control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Terri Ely and Ken Yelle, California Department of Boating and Waterways, Lars Anderson, United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, Scott Shuler and Dave Blodget, SePRO Corporation
- Weed Management Practices in Nurseries Bruce Kidd, PCA, Dow AgroSciences (Retired), Murrieta, CA
- Getting the Most Out Of Your Preemergent Herbicide Application Todd Burkdoll, BASF Tech Services
- Evaluation of Herbicides for Weed Control Efficacy and Crop Safety in Field Production of Nursery Fruit and Nut Trees Joe Abit and Brad Hanson, University of California, Davis
- Potential of Precision Weed Control Richard Smith1, Steve Fennimore2, and Laura Tourte3 1University of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey County, Salinas, CA , 2University of California, Davis, CA 95616; 3University of California Cooperative Extension, Santa Cruz County, Watsonville, CA
- Steaming and other Management Practices for Pre-Plant Weed Control in Nurseries Steven A. Fennimore, University of California, Davis, Dept of Plant Sciences, Davis, CA
- Indaziflam: a New Residual Herbicide for Roadside Weed Control Chris Olsen and David Spak, Bayer Environmental Science
- Maximizing the Efficiency of Hand Weed Spraying Carl Bell, Cheryl Wilen and Milt McGiffen, Jr., Regional Advisor – Invasive Plants, UCCE, San Diego, Area IPM Advisor, UCCE, San Diego, and Extension Specialist, UCCE, UC Riverside
- Controlling Annual Bluegrass in Bentgrass Putting Greens James H. Baird, Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside
- Field Research Results to Support Successful Poa annua Control Strategies in Cool Season Grasses Mark M. Mahady, Mark M. Mahady and Associates, Carmel Valley, CA
- Pre-emergent Poa annua Control in Non-overseeded Bermudagrass Hans C. Olsen, Bayer Environmental Science
- Turf and Landscape Weed Control, Towards Integrated Weed Management Mike Lees, Dow AgroSciences, Granite Bay, CA
- Weed Control at Turf Establishment with Tenacity® Herbicide Dean K. Mosdell, Field Tech Manager, Syngenta Lawn and Garden
- Effects of Spray Coverage and Nozzle Selection on Weed Control Kurt Hembree and Brad Hanson, Farm Advisor, UCCE, Fresno County and CE Weed Specialist, UC Davis
- Benefits and Drawbacks of In-Row Cover Crops in Vineyards Richard Smith, Larry Bettiga and Michael Cahn, University of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey County, Salinas, CA
- The Value of Residual Weed Control Hank J. Mager, Bayer CropScience, Fountain Hills, AZ
- Weed control in nut crops Mick Canevari UCCE San Joaquin Emeritus Farm Advisor, Stockton, California
- Determining the Yield Effect of Herbicide Drift on Dried Plum Trees L.M. Sosnoskie, M.J.M Abit, T. Lanini, and B.D. Hanson, University of California, Davis, Dept. of Plant Sciences
- Partnering for Weed Removal on Santa Cruz Island Coleen Cory, The Nature Conservancy, Ventura, CA
- Tamarix Biocontrol and the Restoration of Riparian Ecosystems Tom Dudley, University of California, Santa Barbara, Marine Science Institute
- Large Scale, Low Cost Restoration of Native Grasslands and Coastal Sage Scrub using Herbicides Carl Bell, Regional Advisor – Invasive Plants University of California Cooperative Extension
- Nuance, Naysayers and twenty years of studying invasive species impacts. by Carla D’Antonio (presenter) and Nicole Molinari. Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology. University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Where the Weeds Are: Prioritizing Regional Response to Invasive Plants Using CalWeedMapper Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Dana Morawitz*, Falk Schuetzenmeister, Cynthia Powell, Suzanne Harmon, and Tony Morosco. California Invasive Plant Council, Berkeley, CA
- Weeds & Their Management in Vegetables: An Entomologist’s Perspective John C. Palumbo, Univ. of Arizona, Dept. of Entomology, Yuma Agric. Center, Yuma, AZ
- Water Management Effects on Weeds in Vegetable Production Michael D. Cahn, UCC-Monterey County, Salinas, CA and Oleg Daugovish, UCCE, Ventura County, Ventura, CA
- Weed Control as Part of Soil Disinfestation with Fumigants and Nonfumigants Steven A. Fennimore, UC Davis
- A PCA’s Perspective on Weed Control in Vegetables Stan Tanaka
- Industry Update on New Developments in Weed Control in Vegetables Jesse M. Richardson, Dow AgroSciences
- Personal Protective Equipment For Pesticide Applicators Robert Krieger, Ph. D., Cooperative Extension Specialist, Toxicology Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside
- Laws and Regulations Jeopardy David Chang, County of Santa Barbara Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
- Pesticide Labeling Interpretation Victor B. Acosta, Staff Environmental Scientist, Pesticide Enforcement Branch, Department of Pesticide Regulation, California Environmental Protection Agency
- California Pesticide Issues Update Renee Pinel, Western Plant Health Association