2002 – Weed Management Technologies for Today and Tomorrow
2002 CWSS Executive Board
2002 Honorary Members
2002 Awards
Weed Management Decisions for Field-Grown Flowers
Clyde L. Elmore, University of California, Davis
Comprehensive Weed Management Program for Turf
John T. Law, Environmental Industries, Inc.
Effect Of White Clover (Trifolium repens) Living Mulch On The Growth Of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Associated Weeds
Joseph. K. Munyiri and Dr. John Phillips, Department of Crop Science, California State University, San Luis Obispo
Resistance of Restored Central Valley Grassland Communities to Yellow Starthistle Invasion
Tracy S. Jones and Joseph M. DiTomaso, Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis
Presidential Address – New Millennium Weed Management: Challenges and Opportunities for the California Weed Science Society
Lars W.J. Anderson, USDA-ARS Exotic and Invasive Weed Research, University of California, Davis
Ecology of Interactions Between Weeds and Other Categories of Pests
Robert F. Norris, Vegetable Crops and Weed Science Department, University of California, Davis
Impact of Weeds on Nematode Management
Edward P. Caswell-Chen, Department of Nematology, University of California, Davis
Role of Weeds in Pathogen Management
Bryce W. Falk, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis
Weed Impacts on Arthropod Pests
Marcos Kogan, Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Conservation Biological Control in IPM Systems: Simplicity vs. Complexity
Charles H. Pickett and W. J. Roltsch, Biological Control Program, California Dept. Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, California and A. Corbett, University of California, Davis, California
Impact of Pest Herbivores on Weeds
Carl E. Bell, University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego, CA
The California Winegrape Pest Management Alliance
Joe Browde, Project Coordinator
The Efficacy, Economic and Mitigated Impacts of Low Volume Foliar Application
Robert Brenton, Brenton Vegetation Management Service, Folsom, California
Purple Loosestrife: A Coordinated Education, Mapping and Control Effort
Carri B. Pirosko, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services, Integrated Pest Control Branch, Redding
Hydrilla: An Aquatic Weed Threat to the Delta and Bay
Robert Leavitt, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services, Integrated Pest Control Branch, Sacramento
Aquatic Plant Management in Oregon
Mark D. Sytsma, Center for Lakes and Resevoirs, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Caulerpa Taxifolia: The West Coast Marine Invader
Lars W.J. Anderson, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Exotic and Invasive Weed Research, University of California, Davis
Integrated Vegetation Management: A Philosophy of Utilizing All Tools to Optimize Resource Value
Scott A Johnson, Vegetation Management Spcialist, Wilbur-Ellis Company, Rio Linda, CA
Proper Herbicide Application Can Help Your Bottom Line
Dave Cudney, University of California, Riverside
Environmental Considerations When Choosing a Herbicide
Cheryl Wilen, Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor, UC Statewide IPM Project
Responding to Customer Concerns: Diagnosis of Ornamental Plant Injury
John T. Law Jr., Environmental Industries, Inc.
Clipping Management and Herbicide Residue in Home Lawns
Eric Miltner, Andy Bary and Craig Cogger, Washington State University, Puyallup, Washington
Mapping Weeds for Site-Specific Weed Control in Field Crops
Douglas J. Munier, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor
Use of Geospatial Technology to Measure the Yield Impact of Bearded Sprangletop (Leptochloa fascicularis) in California Rice
A. Roel, J.F. Williams, A.J. Fischer and R.E. Plant, University of California, Davis
The Limitations of Modern Weed Control Tools in Other Countries
Steven D. Wright, University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare; Steve B. Orloff, University of California Cooperative Extension Service, Yreka; Lalo Banuelos, University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare
Impacts of Choice of Production Systems: Genetically-Engineered Cotton and Tillage System Changes
Robert B. Hutmacher, University of California, Shafter REC and UC Davis Agronomy and Range Science Dept.; Steve Wright, University of CA Cooperative Extension – Tulare County; Ron Vargas, University of CA Cooperative Extension – Madera County; Bill Weir, University of CA Cooperative Extension – Merced County
Summary of Control of Herbicide Resistant Watergrass in Northern California Rise with Regiment
Thomas C. DeWitt, Valent USA Corporation, Fresno, CA; Greg Rich, Valent USA Corporation, Memphis, TN
Keep It In The Garden: Invasive Plants and the Nursery Trade
Alison E. Stanton, BMP Ecosciences, San Francisco, and Carl E. Bell and Cheryl Wilen, University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego
The Biology and Ecology of Giant Reed (Arundo donax)
Jodie S. Holt, Botany and Plant Sciences Department, University of California, Riverside
Developing Management Programs for Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.)
Mark J. Renz and Joseph M. DiTomaso, Vegetable Crops/Weed Science Program, University of California, Davis
New Developments in the Biological Control of Invasive Weeds
Lincoln Smith, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Albany, California
Use of Imazapyr for Woody Vegetation Control
Ed A. Fredrickson, Roseburg Resources Co.
Sandea – A New Herbicide for Vegetable Crops
Alvin A Baber and Fred W. Marmor, Gowan Company, Yuma, Arizona
Role of Conservation Tillage in Vegetable Production
Jeff Mitchell, Department of Vegetable Crops and Weed Science, University of California, Davis
Crop Management with Information from Digital Satellite Imagery
John B. Leboef, AgriDataSensing, Inc, Fresno, California
Seasonal Fluctuations In Weed Emergence On The Central Coast
Steven A. Fennimore and Xiaojie Li, University of California, Davis
Machine Vision Applications in Weed Control
David C. Slaughter and D. Ken Giles, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis (the following papers were inadvertently omitted from the 2001 Proceedings)
The Monterey County Water Recycling Projects – Over Seven Billion Gallons Sold!
Keith Israel, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA), Monterey, California
Summer Fallow Management Changes Soil Temperature and the Diversity of Weed Populations in Desert Lettuce
Mathieu Ngouajio and Milton E. McGiffen Jr., Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside
Non Chemical Weed Control in Specialty Crops – Solarization and Plastic Mulches
Richard Molinar, University of California Cooperative Extension, Fresno
The Windows CE Environment for GPS/GIS Field Data Collection
John W. Jarnigan, Electronic Data Solutions, Jerome, Idaho
New Molecular Targets for Herbicide Discovery
B.Clifford Gerwick, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Impact of Generics on Weed Management
James R. Bone, Jr., Griffin LLC
Methyl Bromide Substitutes – Regulatory Status of Possible Methyl Bromide Replacements
Ralph E Shields, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento, California
Registered Alternatives for Methyl Bromide
Roy E. Rutz, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento, California
Water Quality Control Permits for Aquatic Herbicides
Rudy J. Schnagl and Emily C. Alejandrino, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
Travel With a Full Set of Tools
Poems by David Haskell
Weed Mapping for Site Specific Herbicide Application.
Martina Dokladalova, W. Thomas Lanini, University of California, Davis
Clopyralid Drift Following Aerial Application at Fort Hunter Liggett, Monterey County, California
Jessica Torrence, Joseph M DiTomaso, Guy Kyser, University of California, Davis, and Art Hazebrook, Center for Ecological Management of Military Lands, Colorado Satte University, Ft. Hunter Liggett
Effect of Glyphosate and Sulfosate on Weeds and Roundup Ready Cotton
Tome Martin-Duvall and Ron Vargas, University of California Cooperative Extension, Madera, California