2016 Proceedings
- 2016 Full Proceedings
- Herbicidal Crop Injury Mechanisms and Routes of Exposure
- Response of Transplanted Tomatoes to Pre-plant Herbicides
- Effect of Shade and Soil Moisture Level on the Efficacy of Selected Postemergence Herbicides in Control of Junglerice (Echinochloa colona)
- A Comparison Between Automated Thinners and Hand Thinning of Lettuce in the Salinas Valley: Weed Control and Efficacy
- Comparison of Weed Control Methods in Organic Broccoli
- Biological Control of Aquatic Weeds: Research in California
- The Reboot of Aquatic Plant Management in the Delta
- Management of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Lakes and Ponds
- Life History and Aquatic Weed Management
- Weed Management Challenges and Options for Subtropical Crop Orchards in California
- Junglerice (Echinocloa colona) Growth and Development in Response to Temperature and Shade
- New Herbicides Broadworks & Zeus: Where’s the Fit for Tree & Vines?
- Managing Tough Winter and Summer Weed Spectrums with Sequential Herbicide Programs
- Development of a Novel Herbicide, Benzobicyclon + Halosulfuron, (BUTTE®), for California Rice Production
- Modeling Weed Growth in California Rice: Opportunities for Management
- Target-Site Resistance to Propanil in Smallflower Umbrella Sedge and Ricefield Bulrush from California Rice: Implications for Management
- Optimizing Weed Management Program in Rice: Challenges and Opportunities
- Esplanade™ Herbicide for Invasive Annual Grass Control
- Impacts of Deficit Irrigation on Weed Spectrum in Turf
- Drip Irrigation and Weed Control
- Irrigation Cutbacks for Conservation, Less Water, More Weeds, Dead Trees
- Evaluation of Products for Control of Rogue Bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) and Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) in Fine Fescue Fairways
- Is Glyphosate Injury to Roundup Ready Alfalfa Possible?
- Influence of Environmental Factors on the Efficacy of Postemergence Herbicides
- Scotch Broom Gall Mite: A New Natural Enemy to California
- Weed Management in Potatoes and Onions in Tulelake
- Management of Weeds in Cool Season Vegetables
- Evaluation of Pyroxasulfone in Cool-Season Vegetables on the Central Coast
- Egyptian Broomrape: First Discovery in United States (aka: Damn this Parasitic Weed)!
- Breaking Bindweed: Have We Met Our Match?
- Best Practices to Keep Pesticides out of Water
- Pesticides Detected in Ground Water and Surface Water
- California Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program: How We Do It
- Healthy Schools Act 101 For Landscape
- Chemical Resistant Glove Selection
- Updates to the Worker Protection Standards and Impacts on California
- Pesticide Jeopardy
- Temperature-dependent Germination Rates Among Several California Accessions of Echinochloa colona
- Weed Community Dynamics and Agronomic Productivity in Alternative Irrigation Systems in California Rice
- Preliminary Evaluation of Suspected Paraquat-resistant Italian Ryegrass in a California Orchard
- A Comparison of Remote Sensing Methods for Estimating Summer Annual Plant Cover
- Effect of Green Waste Compost and Tomato Pomace Soil Amendments on Weed Seed Inactivation with Biosolarization
- Effects of Simulated Rice Herbicide Drift Rates on Walnuts
- Mortality of Brassica nigra Seeds At Temperatures in the Low Range of Biosolarization Conditions
- Screening the San Joaquin Valley for Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Perennial and Annual Cropping Systems
- Life Cycle of Fall- and Spring-planted Biotypes of Conyza spp. Described in Growing Degree Days
- Allelochemical Pest Control in Strawberry Production
- Competition Between a Glyphosate-resistant and Susceptible Biotype of junglerice (Echinochloa colona)